Terms of Use

INNOVATE CAROLINA JUNCTION MEMBERSHIP POLICIES 136 E Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 2June2023 Welcome to the Innovate Carolina Junction. We are excited to have you join the community. As we work to create a community within our space, we ask that you follow the membership policies outlined below. We expect all members to be kind and respectful to each other, and there is a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination. Our space and community may not be used for any activities that could be interpreted as fraudulent, unlawful, harassing, abusive or obscene. COMMUNITY SPACES • Please treat the facility with respect. If something breaks, let the community manager know. • The Junction is a space for innovation and collaboration. Please be mindful of your noise level as others may be trying to focus. o We prefer that Zoom calls be taken from an office, phone booth or conference room to minimize disruption to others. o If you want to listen to music, podcasts or videos, please use headphones. • Everyone will be on UNC-Guest WiFi. The password is updated every August. We will send out an email with the new password when it is updated. BREAK ROOMS • Fridges will be cleaned out every Friday at 5:00 p.m. Please clearly mark your items with your name. The only items that will not be thrown away will be unopened, unexpired, sealed foods and unexpired condiments along with clearly marked items. Tupperware items will be thrown away if left without a note. No exceptions. • Freezers will be cleaned out on the last Friday of every month. Only unopened, unexpired, sealed foods that are clearly marked will stay. • After using community dishes or silverware, please place them directly into the dishwasher. • Within our space, smells can be magnified. Use consideration when packing your lunch and snacks. Please avoid microwaving foods that have a strong lingering smell like fish. GUESTS • You are welcome to bring guests into the space and are responsible for your guests at all times while they are in the Junction. • If your guest is coming in consistently, we will ask them to purchase a membership or day pass. • Attendees of meetings in reserved conference rooms are considered guests and are able to access the public spaces and floating desk areas before and after the meeting. • Children are welcome if they can maintain a courteous presence and do not cause disruptions to other members. • Pets are not allowed in the space, with the exception of service animals. INTERNS • Interns are expected to follow and abide by all member policies. • For every employee on your membership, you may have the same number of student interns without paying a monthly fee. There will be an initial fee of $25 per fob issued. If you would like to add more student interns to your membership, it will be $100 per month per intern over your original allocated amount. • Interns must be either current students (college, university, or high school) or less than one year post-grad. SAFETY • If there is an operational emergency, please call 919.962.6394 or reach out through the “emergency-urgent-concerns” channel on Slack. We will also post any updates on emergencies in the emergency Slack channel. • Candles and space heaters are prohibited within the Junction. OTHER • You are responsible for all items you bring into the space. • If you would like to bring equipment into the space, please let us know and we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.   Violation of any of the terms mentioned in your membership agreement or the above policies will be addressed by the Community Manager. If the behavior does not change it will be escalated to the Director of Economic Development and Innovation Hubs and a determination of next steps will be made.